Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reflection on Unit 2

1. Describe how you prepared/studied for the unit test.
The week before the test I had multiple ways of studying. First, I read all of the chapters again to ensure that I did not skip any relevant information. Next, I studied the information with a partner, in this case Luka Sumic. We looked at all of the topics and asked both detailed and vague questions about them. Finally, I re-read all of the chapters the day before the test to refresh my memory.
a) Do you think your studying strategies were effective - why/why not?
I think that my studying strategies were very effective because I remember all of the information very well. Also, when you ask your partner a question, you tend to think of the answer as-well, insuring the fact that you did not forget the information. Another thing is that reading the information before the test refreshes your memory so if you focused to much on other subjects, all the information returns to your brain.
b) Hoe will you prepare next time?
Next time we have a test I will prepare the same way I did for this one, read, quiz, and refresh; but I will also focus a bit more on two factors I though were less important. These factors are, definitions of important words, and I must focus more on the geography and start of empires or civilizations.

2. What was the most surprising thing you learned about during this unit.
During the unit about Rome and Christianity, I found two things very interesting. One, was learning about emperor Nero, how he tortured the Christians, the fire of 64C.E. and his plans for the golden house. Next, I was very surprised by the Emperor Caligula. Caligula shocked me because I cannot see why the people did not revolt against him. He dug up Alexander the Greats armor, stuffed his horse and made him a senator.

3. If we had more time to spend on Rome and Christianity, what would you want to learn more about?
If we were to spend more time on this unit I would like to learn more about Cleopatra. I think that it would be interesting to learn about Cesar's love interest and how all of it worked out. Also, I think we should have spent more time on emperor Nero, and Augustus because I feel that they are two of the most important people in Rome's history,

ummarize the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire. Do you think it was inevitable? Why/not?

There were six main reasons for the decline of Rome. These were, the geography, it was hard to defend the weak wester borders because it took a long time to get there. Another reason was, economic decline, everything was becoming more expensive, and not as accessible. Also, the growth in government was bad because everyone was trying to get more power, more money and often they would use the power they had to become rich, or started civil wars. Next, was the decline in work force, meaning that there were not as many slaves as before and many romans couldnt do the work themselves. Lack of technology was also a problem because farmers did not have enough of it to grow enough food for all of Rome. Finally, military defeat was the last straw; the Romans could no longer defeat the barbarians.

he Roman people did not want a dictator or a king. Do you think Augustus and the emperors that followed him were any different?

Yes I think that an emperor is differs from a king. First of all an Eperor is usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another type of imperial realm who has a senate for advice. However, a king is a head of state, who may or may not, depending on the style of government of a nation, exercise monarchal powers over a nation, usually called a kingdom or a realm. To me the key difference is that an Emperor still has a senate and a form of democracy, but the democratic part (the senate, the assembly) have very little power. On the other hand, a king has only himself and is the only man with power.

Describe the ways that Roman genius has benefited the world. Provide concrete examples to support your thinking.

Roman Genius benefited the world in many different ways and areas. Roman Genius has benefited us in Military organization. This is because Rome's army was organized, strict, disciplined, full time, and paid. Today, we see the same thing with most of the worlds armies. Also, they benefited us in engineering. The Roman people were the first to build strait, and smooth roads making transportation faster. They were also the first to build a system of channels to transport water into the city, as well as making a court with a judge, a jury, an accuser, and a defender.